Welcome to Knockbracken Congregational Church

We are glad to have you with us. On this site you will discover something of what we believe; find out how to locate us; and have the opportunity to access our archive of recorded sermons. And, if you have any questions – just ask!

Jesus said 'If you love Me, keep my commandments.'

John 14:15


We are meeting in person each Lord’s Day at 11:30am and 7:00pm.

The times for Sunday services will change from Sunday 2nd March 2025 – morning services will be at 11am and evening services at 6.30pm.

Usually our Minister, Calvin Coulter, preaches at most of our services.

He will explain things as we go along but the format is quite simple. We read from the Bible, sing some hymns (usually three), Calvin will pray and then he will speak for about half an hour. Services usually last just over an hour.

Tea and coffee are served after many of our services, and these are great opportunities to get to know one another, form and renew friendships, and ask those puzzling questions that have been buzzing around in our heads since mid-way through the sermon.

Latest Sermon

2 February 2025

Sunday 2 February 2025 – Morning Service

Passage Genesis 40, 1 Kings 8

Speaker Rev Calvin Coulter

Service Sunday 2 February 2025 - Morning Service

We meet at

Knockbracken Congregational Church, 26 Ballymaconaghy Road, Belfast, BT8 6SB

What's on

Week commencing 9th February 2025

Church Hall set up and ready for the Mums and Toddlers.  If your a parent, grandparent, childminder, carer – come along with your little ones between 10am and 12pm on a Monday morning.

If you are visiting with us for the first time, then you are particularly welcome.

At Knockbracken, we believe that God communicates with us primarily through his written word, the Bible. For this reason, we take great care to think through what he is saying to us. Every Sunday service and Wednesday night Bible study, and prayer time  centre around the teaching of the Bible. Our minister explains the passage, and is always happy to answer questions afterward.

We recognise that, for some, just coming into a church building can be an intimidating experience. We work hard to prevent that and can promise that, if you are a first-time visitor, no one will put you on the spot or embarrass you. You are welcome to contact us ahead of your visit, so we can look out for you and make you welcome. Just email Calvin our minister, and he’ll be sure to look out for you and find someone to give a personal welcome, and even sit with you through the service.